MMC Harris welcomes its partnership with the Johannesburg Muslim Cemetery Association


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The Mayor’s Committee Member’s Office for Community Development, Parks and the Johannesburg Zoo (JCPZ) and the Johannesburg Muslim Cemetery Association recently came together to welcome newly elected members of the ‘association. The purpose of the meeting was to describe and address the gaps within the Muslim communities in the city of Johannesburg in terms of cemeteries, burials and administrative issues.

Community Development MMC Cllr Ronald Harris explained the structure of the Department of Community Development and its role in promoting and preserving heritage sites. He added that cemeteries, heritage and culture are a big part of the department’s responsibilities.

“We can’t say we have a culture and a heritage in Johannesburg if we don’t embrace the Muslim faith, religion and culture,” he said.

The association was concerned about the burials of the destitute. He said the Muslim dynamic was different because burials were concluded within 24 hours of a member’s death and they also helped underprivileged foreigners.

Members asked the MMC office to consider how it can help them when a member needs a serious waiver.

Joburg City Parks and Zoo spokeswoman Jenny Moodley said the entity is sensitive to the needs of different cultures.

“Joburg currently has adequate burial space. However, we do not want future generations to inherit the burden of inactive cemeteries. Once no one uses the cemetery, it becomes a burden on the City and on future ratepayers and ratepayers. JCPZ wants to be innovative and looks at alternative burials. We also go to disused cemeteries to find spaces that have not been used,” she says.

MMC Harris expressing his gratitude to the association for its stance to break down barriers within Muslim communities. “Cemeteries will be honored to partner with your organization to improve service delivery. Thank you for coming together and putting aside egos to serve communities.



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